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ইউটিউব ভিডিওর জন্য সেরা Tripod | Best Budget Tirpod for YouTube Videos | Tech Unlimited

ইউটিউব ভিডিওর জন্য সেরা Tripod | Best Budget Tripod for YouTube Videos | Tech Unlimited

In this, I'll review the Yunteng VCT-880 Best Budget Tripod for YouTube or Any Other Videos. This Tripod can be used for Camera, DSLR, Smartphone, Action Camera etc. You can also use this tripod for Travel Video or Photography.
Tripod Model : Yunteng VCT-880 Tripod Price : 3,500 - 4,000 BDT (Approximate)
Availability : Basundhara City Shopping Mall, IDB, Palton, Baitul Mokarom Market etc.

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